A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

The neighbors say all the isolation didn't make you crazy. They say you were already crazy. But you're not crazy! Your plant told you so. In fact, Planty says he's hungry. Planty says lots of things, actually. Did you know penguins are the tumbleweeds of the animal kingdom? It's true! Just ask Planty!

At any rate, Planty says you need to take him outside for some sun and... other things. Do you best to find Planty the things he needs as you become best friends forever and after forever!

Best played with a ficus friendly controller but can be played arrow-key/wasd style with the spacebar and ctrl keys.

Powered by Solar2D

PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
TagsLudum Dare 46
LinksLudum Dare


Untitled Plant Game for Windows 5.7 MB
Untitled Plant Game for OSX 5 MB

Development log


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I wanted to play this! Art caught my attention a lot. I found the color palette beautiful, but my pc doesn't accept it because of OpenGL which needs 2.1 and my pc can't take it. No web version?

Sorry about that. We did the classic dev thing where we used the latest build of our engine for the first time with this jam and ran into some issues with the web build. Still working on it as life allows though :D

On the topic of the color palette, we found it on https://lospec.com/palette-list. Which is a really awesome resource for trying to pull off a look like this. Fair warning, you can lose hours of your life just flipping through all the beautiful color palettes.

I look forward to the web version. Could you let me know when you're ready?

I also used a Lospec color palette. As they say here in Brazil: "It's a hand on the wheel".

i'm following you here on the itch now.

Deleted post



K E E P I T A L I V E . . . B U T A T T H E E X P E N S E O F W H A T ?


Mac port added


It's posted. Whew... We'll do HTML5 and Mac ports after some sleepy-time....

Corona SDK? Are you still using that?


There is no better engine yet.


Yep. The engine is going through a re-branding May 1st, so once that's done we'll add links and such to our entry.