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uhm it doesn't work on mac

Apple has changed their signing policy after we released this game, so you may have to turn off some settings to get it to run :(

what should i turn off

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Maybe try these steps:

yes game for me

The fine folks at Stumpt gave us a 4 player death-o-gasm playthrough... starts at 15:53...

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Randomise User gave us a jolly good playing...

is this have bots?


yes. this bots have.

Want some gameplay video?

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Hey, y'all! We fixed the "Winner" screen that wasn't updating after multiple rounds and fixed the character select screen order, so you get the player you picked. Ooopsie. (Another ooopsie, we broke the clock... That's fixed now too.)

If you are reviewing us for the Ludum Dare Jam, just pretend that the end screen is still way messed up.